The Importance Of Attitude Awareness

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Attitude Awareness Attitude is how someone determines to feel or think about a situation. This word is often used in a negative context. For example, a mother might tell her son to lose the attitude. However, does attitude only describe a frame of mind a person should not have? People today live in a time where everyone is losing their attitude awareness. However, the importance of attitude can be revealed in the pursuit of endeavors, the enhancement of character, and the encouragement of relationships. Therefore, attitude’s significance is determined by life endeavors. It dictates how successful the individual is and distinguishes between losers and winners. For example, when someone has the mindset to do a project, putting forth all their …show more content…

Since attitude affects actions, it is what splits people apart and what brings them together. Likewise, a person’s temperament affects others. When a few people are feeling discouraged, a joyful person can walk in the room and change the mood. Misery desires the company of others; therefore, negative minded people often attract. On the positive side, when someone takes on the role of a leader and a positive influence, others follow that model. On a higher level, one’s attitude impacts their relationship with God, since attitude is very important to the Lord. He cares about the attitude of the heart and He is the only One Who knows a person’s true intents. In addition, the individual’s relationship with others is an overflow of their relationship with God. Peaceful relationships are usually a direct result of a good relationship with God, thus highlighting the importance of a Christ centered focus. One of the most important things to the Lord is having a thankful heart and not having a complaining spirit. This determines whether or not a person will receive a reward for an act of service. When accomplishing a good task, one must do it with a good attitude. Breaking that habitual, negative mindset can be a difficult task, but it is essential to having a clear conscience before Almighty God. Before Christ, the individual should have an attitude of praise, repentance, …show more content…

Attitude is a choice. Not only is a person’s attitude revealed in their actions but their actions can change their attitude. Thus, one does not have to continue on with the attitudes of low self-esteem, stress, fear, and bitterness. To abandon this negative pattern and to suppress negative output, the individual should seek to train the body to speak and do positively with enthusiasm. Through the pursuit of endeavors, the improvement of character, and the support of relationships, the relevance of attitude can be

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