The Importance Of Accountability And Liability In Health Care

960 Words2 Pages

In the past, the health care industry experienced many changes and challenges. For accepting accountability the health care professional believes they may be obligated to justify their actions and clarify the validation that provoked the actions and the consequences of their actions. However, all medical professionals assume the responsibility for their behavior and must deal with the outcome of their actions. The manager of the long-term manager has collected valuable information and created a pamphlet to demonstrate the importance of accountability and liability outcomes in health care organizations. The pamphlet will also discuss the standard of care and possible any liabilities, the rights of providers and their duties in the delivery of care, analyze what rights do the patient have at the levels of the state and federal regarding statutory and regulatory laws. The pamphlet will also identify the different types of health care fraud; the penalties that associated with these illegal activities. Nevertheless, it will also explain in detail the legal and ethical effects it has on the use of technology.
Accountability and Liability
The health care professional’s accountability and liability can …show more content…

The rights and responsibilities have numerous laws to protect them at the federal and state levels. The fundamental rights of human beings met and that the decision and action of freely expression will preserve all rights. The patient has laws deal with the consent to treat and release private health documents, end of life decision-making, and refuse to take treatment. “Unfortunately, efforts to advance patients’ rights can be thwarted by inadequate attention to the complexity and language of the materials presented to patients” (Paasche-orlow, Jacob, Hochhauser, & Parker, 2009, pp.

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