The Importance Of Academic Performance

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There are various ways students can feel about their academic performance. If a student has done well in a test, they most likely have positive emotions in reflection to the score on the test. Likewise, if a student did poorly on the test, they are least likely to have positive feelings toward their test. In particular, academic performance is one of the many concerns that students worry, since it will determine the opportunities that a student has later in their lives. Moreover, grade point average (GPA) has a relation to a student’s level of happiness depending on whether it is a high GPA or a low GPA. Yet, other factors come to play in regards to students’ level of happiness. With this in mind, students concern regarding academics is …show more content…

The study will be used as a background for this study as it pertains a correlation with the results to happiness. Kirkcaldy (2004) studied high school students in 32 nations and measured their performance of 3 educational literacy exams, the subjects included reading, mathematics, and scientific literacy, as well as subjective well-being and happiness. The study measured happiness and well-being with three different variables, general happiness in the nations, the average of the happiness in the nations, and Happiness-adjusted Life Years (Kirkcaldy, Furnham, & Siefan, 2004). In addition, his methods held several data bases, that included disability-adjusted life expectancy, distribution of responsiveness, fairness, to measure the overall health level. Yet, for the purposes of this study, the relation to this study are the results. To clarify, Kirkcaldy (2004) study showed a positive relation to the high performance scored of the 3 educational literacy exams and the happiness ratings. The study displayed a 40% variation between these two variables (Kirkcaldy, Furnham, & Siefan, 2004). With this in mind, Kircaldy provides a base line for this study to have a relation to academic performance and …show more content…

The study hypothesized a positive correlation between the two variables, as well as it referenced the Kirkcaldy (2004) study. The methods that were used consisted of 11,061 Taiwanese high school students who responded to Likert scales, one general happiness scale as well as 4 other variables that measured academic achievement, which consisted of subject subtests, teacher perceived academic achievement, teacher and classmate academic support, and classroom disturbance (Chen & Lu, 2009). The researchers found that general happiness had a high correlation with positive academic performance. Though this study displayed academic performance using academic subtests, it still is useful since it shows that academic achievement has a positive correlation with student’s happiness

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