The Importance Of A Nurse Leader With Advocacy

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Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy
There is a peculiar weakness and strength that each and everybody, individuals, groups, organizations and professions possess. This noble nursing profession is not excluded from it. Strength is the capability of being resilient in achieving something, which includes cultural quality, compassion, sensitivity and the capacity to build relationship and connection with various labor forces in a multinational background to accomplish set goals. Likewise, weakness is the opposite of strength, which is lack of strength that resulted in incompetence to achieve set goals.
According to Sanford (2012), advocacy has been reflected as a most important part of nursing practice since 1973. The act of supporting a plan or suggestion is called advocacy. Nursing practice has been impacted in several ways with advocacy and effect politically, academically and socially in aspects nursing practice (Bly, 2014). On a daily bases, nurses needs to advocate for safe and healthy work environment, which requires essential strategies and skills to be able to achieve. Nurses’ inventory tool is a useful tool to assess nursing growth. In this paper, the purpose is to appraise and address the issues concerning the strengths and weaknesses related personal and professional accountability, career planning, personal journey disciplines, and reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets with the use of “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory Tool”, how to use current leadership skill set to advocate for change in a workplace, one personal goal for leadership growth and implementation plan to achieve the goal.
Personal and Professional Accountability
According to American Association of Critical-Care Nursing (2006), stated in the nurse...

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Sky is the limit for whoever that makes career advancement the priority. Others are motivated and encouraged by the service of their leaders from the laid down good example that is shown to them. Understanding the strength and the weakness of the working team as an individual is one of the characteristics of a good leader, which helps in assisting them when needed and also a source of strength for them as well (Rankin, 2015).
Life experience, nursing experience, integrity and perseverance has helps me personally to advocate workplace changes that is required. Aiming to be executive personnel has been my desire and career planning ever since I became a nurse, even though it will be tough and rough, but with God, perseverance, commitment and career advancement, the sky is my limit. With this class, I feel like a new born nurse.

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