The Impact Of Migration On American History

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“How has the migration of people (including immigration) impacted American history in different time periods and eras?” The migration of People has been both a good and bad thing for America throughout history. From the 1600’s people from different countries have been immigrating to America for freedom, a fulfilment of the American identity and for a better living condition. America represents itself as the “New world”, where immigrants can do many different things they thought they couldn't achieve in their countrie. That's the reason why we find in the US a great mix of backgrounds, and thats another reason why America has been called the Melting Pot of cultures. There are different types of ethnic groups in the US alone. It is seen that Immigration has played a major role in the American Identity or to be more specific economic identity. Immigration first gives the United States an economic edge or push maybe even boost in the world economy. Another big thing is that they also provide business contacts to the other markets. Which really helps enhance Americas trade and investments with other countries. Many Americans seem to believe that …show more content…

The previous immigrants were being overshadowed by the Irish, Germans, Chinese and some Mexicans. Before this period, those who immigrated weren't that different from those who were already there. As a result of this new period there was more diversity in ethnicity within America. The immigrants brought with them their political views, culture native languages, and religious beliefs. When the immigrants brought what they knew it brought concerns to some living in America but, America was already trying to keep and maintain their land of liberty and freedom. After all this is what pulled the immigrants to come to this country anyway. The immigrants wanted to live freely in America because that’s what they were

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