Immigration Themes

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Immigration has enriched and highlighted many of the five themes we went over as a class. It has added many details to immigration that we never touched before such as the process and the history of immigration. Even though we have gone over a bit as a class, but it as just a little knowledge spread apart throughout all five themes. Only later on learning about immigration, everything became clear. Like how there were restrictions in immigration caused by the world war and still how the civil rights movement led to removal of restriction for immigrants. It likewise became clear on how certain groups of immigrants led to the development of America such as the Chinese immigrants. But even upon contributing and the removal of immigration restrictions …show more content…

One of the first restriction, the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 that restricted any more Chinese workers to come to America. Then followed by the Asiatic barred zone act in 1917 that made immigration stricter by including a literacy test to reduce immigration. And later on in 1924 the immigration act was passed putting a quota limiting every nationality, allowing only 3% of the total population of that nationality to immigrate to America. This was one of the actions to restrict immigration, mainly Europeans immigrate to America after World War I. After World War I, many European countries are still in the process of recovering from it which lead a push to immigration to America. But soon after, World War II began with Hitler leading Germany back into power with Japan as its ally. As America soon joined the war in 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor quickly followed and another restriction for the Japanese was quickly set in place in 1942. It prohibited the immigration of the Japanese and pushed all the Japanese and Japanese-Americans to concentration camps. Besides war, the 9/11 tourist attack was also a hit to immigration making immigration stricter. After the homeland security act was passed, security was tighten among borders and deportation of illegal immigrants soon followed. Over history the restriction of immigration was mainly due to the sense of danger that America felt as immigrants may …show more content…

From the actions America took after the First World War to how certain events caused America to tighten up on borders caused the 9/11 incident. Immigration even connected events such as the civil rights movement to the nationality act of 1965. And it really highlighted the restrictions of immigrants, even till today though we don’t see any restrictions for new immigrants, it’s definitely there. But in the end, immigrants still rush to America searching for greater opportunities and America becomes the melting pot of the

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