The Iliad And Aeneid Compare And Contrast

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In both The Iliad and The Aeneid, the main hero has a comrade to fight by their side who is subsequently killed by an enemy leader, whom the hero then kills in revenge. In book 12 of Virgil's Aeneid, the two main warriors, Aeneas and Turnus, are driven by hatred, contention for the love of a woman, and the desire for revenge. Each slaughters his adversaries without mercy. Neither of these characters appears attractive, but as for Aeneas, he comes off as an unsympathetic character, both cold and inhibited. Compared with Achilles, Aeneas is merely a shadow of a man. Aeneas is a reflection of the ideal Roman, in whom reverence for the gods and courage are combined. Throughout The Aeneid, Aeneas is so controlled by fate, visions, and divine intervention

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