The Ideals of a Creative Man

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Since the death of Walt Disney, the values and morals of the Disney company have changed completely, the evidence portrayed within their films. As the film industry itself has evolved, so too has the field of animation, not just in the style of art, but also in the actions of the characters within these films including the increasing content of disrespectful and inappropriate behavior, violence and even sexual innuendo. One may ask themselves’ how could Disney Studios and their ideals for family values have changed so drastically because of a single man’s death? Was it in fact that Walt Disney died, that also his values died with him? Or was it simply a chain of events that occurred after his passing?

On December 15, 1966, Walt Disney, the beloved creator of Disney Studios and pioneer of animation passed away after his long struggle with lung cancer. Even though this caused a great upset within the company, Walt’s followers and fellow businessmen vowed to carry on in his absence, pursuing the ideals Walt Disney longed to promote for the American society. As a prominent member of The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation for American Ideals started in 1944, Walt followed the Alliance’s set of guidelines, including their strong values, “We believe in, and like, the American way of life: the liberty and freedom which generations before us have fought to create and preserve; the freedom to speak, to think, to live, to worship, to work, and to govern ourselves as individuals, as free men; the right to succeed or fail as free men, according to the measure of our ability and our strength.

. . . As members of the motion-picture industry, we must face and accept an especial responsibility. Motion pictures are inescapably one of t...

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... Disney the Mouse Betrayed: Greed, Corruption, and Children at Risk. Washington, DC: Regnery, 1998. Print.

"The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals." Cobblestone Entertainment. 2005. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. .

Fyfe, Kristen. "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: A Content Analysis of Children's Television." Parents Television Council. 6 Mar. 2006. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. .

Chandler, Daniel. "Children's Understanding of What Is 'Real' on Television: A Review of the Literature." University of Wales; Aberystwyth. 1997. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. .

Snow White. Disney Studios, 1937. DVD.

The Lion King. Disney Studios, 1994. DVD.

Bambi. Disney Studios, 1942. DVD.

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