Essay On Do People Need To Survive

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People go through many lengths to try to survive like they’ll do as much as they can in order to live no matter what they’ll have to do whatever it takes to be able to live. They have to know how to hunt or grow crops so they can find a way to live off that and they would also have to try to find a water source. The walking dead is a show. About people that survive in a world of zombies and people that don’t have each other have to work together to survive in a world of zombies. In the movie “The Hunger Games”. They had to kill each others tributes in order to survive and not die by the other people that are trying to survive and they need to live so they need to find water and something they can eat to survive. In “The Maze Runner” they …show more content…

So in all my three films they all have to find some sort of food source so they can keep eating a meal every day and they either do that by farming some crops or hunting animals. In the films they also have to find a water source they can drink from so they can stay hydrated and be able to stay fresh. So in all the shows and movies I choose they all need to be able to survive in order to live their life and sure there will always be obstacles to the point when you’ll run out of water or food or maybe get hurt badly to the point that you have to cut it off or run out of food and when those obstacles happen it is always hard to survive. And sometimes they have to fight to live or kill to live like in ‘The Hunger Games”they have to kill other people to live and survive “The walking Dead”they have to survive hordes of zombies either small or big hords and it always looks like they are gonna die but in the end they always live and in ”The Maze Runner” they have to find a way out of the maze they go in and out of and then when it turns night there are some things called griefers and they try to kill the people that are in the maze at night and if they are ever in the maze they need to know how to take care of themselves and be able to protect and fight against the griefers. This what the two movies and the show have in common, they have to survive and find food and water and stuff they just need to live in places that they are

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