The Humane Methods Of Factory Farming Directed By Shaun Monson

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When most people hear the words "factory farming" they think of animals that are overpopulated in small cages, while some people truly don 't understand the term at all. The actual definition of factory farming is a farm on which large numbers of livestock are raised indoors in conditions intended to maximize production at minimal cost (Merriam-Webster). When farms were family owned they used to employ very humane methods of raising and killing their animals, however, in the last few decades these farms have been taken over by large corporations that only have their businesses in mind and turned into what is now called a factory farm. Most people can only hope that the meat they are eating came from animals that didn’t have to suffer, but they don’t care to learn about it. They are ignorant to the fact that the animals living in factory farms are not seen as living creatures anymore, but rather seen as objects and profit. All of these animals have to live through years of distress, pain, brutality, and fear. Factory farms depict animal cruelty in such horrific ways, …show more content…

The documentary “Earthlings” directed by Shaun Monson is a great example because it uses hidden cameras inside of factory farms to show how animals are treated on a day-to-day basis. It shows the audience various animals kept in tight confinements with only a little room to move around – if any. Chickens and pigs suffer severe stress and anxiety from the lack of space and overcrowded conditions which can lead to cannibalism. The film shows how corporations try to avoid this by mutilating the animals - teeth cutting, tail docking, and ear clipping for the pigs and debeaking for the chickens. However, around 33 minutes into the film it shows that these practices are done very quickly and can lead to extreme harm if not done

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