The House On Mango Street Gender Essay

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Gender defines us but only physically. Emotionally genders can be very similar. People have a great impact in your life and their gender plays a role in that. In the House of Mango Street the male characters have an impact on Esperanza’s persona. They make her aware of the male role in daily life at the time.
Male characters have a huge impact to Esperanza because she notices that most of the women rely on men. The men are essentially the ones that control the household and women. Men have the upper arm in the relationship. For example in the House of Mango street the chapter called Marin, Marin wants to marry her boyfriend that is from Puerto Rico because she’s waiting for someone to change her life. Marvin relies on a male to change her life and get her out of that neighborhood. Most women in her neighborhood are dependent of the male. Another example in the chapter No Speak English, the woman that goes by mamcita is controlled by her husband. He chose where they live; he doesn’t allow her out of the house for much because he doesn’t other men to be looking at her. Here is an example of a very controlling relationship and how the man has the bigger say in the relationship. In all these …show more content…

In the chapter called chanclas, Esperanza is at a party and she gets invited by her uncle to dance with him. She notices that a man watches her the whole time. This is a little hint of the realization she starts making that men can be sexual predators in the sense that they are very sexual orientated sometimes. Another example is when she gets her first job, a man forces a kiss from her. She doesn’t see it as much at the time. She doesn’t tell no one and one can infer that she might think that just because men have an upper arm that it’s okay that they take advantage of you. She also realizes

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