The Hero’s Journey in Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now

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The Hero’s Journey in Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now

The hero’s journey in Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now” begins in the known natural world. The hero in Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece is Captain Willard. A call to adventure arouses when Willard is sent for to report to the general in command to receive his mission. Willard is informed of a renegade Colonel by the name of Kurtz, who has assembled his own followers and army. Kurtz left and disappeared from the Army and is killing American soldiers that come into his turf. Willard’s mission is to travel up river by boat deep into Cambodia, find Colonel Kurtz, and eliminate him by any means necessary.

After Willard receives this call to adventure, he sometimes recalls in his head how silly his choice is to go throu...

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