The Great Gatsby Alternate Ending

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I woke when I felt someone continuously nudging me. “Scarlett, it’s time to wake up.” He whispered. I opened my eyes slightly and saw that it was Chris. I glanced over at a window to see dawn. I groaned, my body ached and pleaded to get more rest. However, I got up any way. I stretched, yawned, and rubbed my eyes as I sluggishly slipped out of my hammock. When my eyes finally adjusted, I noticed that all the other Gladers were awake, already working. I heard shuffling near the door and saw Alby standing there. I looked back at Chris with sleepy eyes. “C’mon! Today we will get our jobs.” Chris spoke, almost too happily. Did he really want to work that badly? “Greenie, you do realize it’s hard work.” Alby must have thought the same when he commented. “Yeah, I know. But, I don’t want to be here doing nothing. I want to help the best I can so we can get outta here faster.” Chris explained. Alby just shrugged at his remark and walked out the door. Chris and I followed him. After we had breakfast, Alby gave us a tour of the glade, where the restrooms were and where we would wash up, etc. Now it was time for us to see what kind of a job we were efficient at. “There are eight different jobs here in the glade,” Alby explained. “You can be a cook, track-hoe, builder, bricknick, bagger, slicer, and slopper. …show more content…

They just looked at me with curiosity and I could tell what they were thinking. “I’m sorry,” I said as if I were talking to a baby. “I don’t have any food for you,” I spoke in a soft voice as I showed them my empty hands. Again no response, they just slowly walked away, bobbing their heads up and down as they knew I could be of no favor to them. Watching them go, I finally realized what I was doing. I looked up to see Alby and an unfamiliar bot stare at me while Chris was also looking at the animals. I have always been more social with animals than humans. There was a bit of an awkward silence until Alby spoke

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