The Great Achievements Of Ancient Rome

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Ancient Rome was a sophisticated place that included some of the great inventions that we see today. Romans copied other people’s ideas, but they did come up with some of their own. This essay features some aspects that make Rome the civilized place that it is. This essay focuses on the great accomplishments that Rome has to offer. Some of the achievements include Rome’s aqueducts, the roads and highways, and the Roman alphabet. Many of these achievements were the start of the things that we are using today, and we do not realize that these things were not here before and someone had to create them, lucky for us, the Romans did.
People everywhere need water, and we get our water from the pipes in our house. The ancient Romans came up with an original solution to supplying fresh water to their cities, they brought the water into the cities with aqueducts. Aqueducts were long, elaborate stone waterways that delivered fresh water to Roman cities. The water would flow on top of the aqueduct, and when it got to the city it would flow into a castellum, or holding tank. Then, the Romans would send it to where it needed to go in the city. As the ancient Romans were building these …show more content…

In fact, the main street of Rome, Via Sacra, had as much pedestrian, cart, and carriage traffic as modern-day Manhattan at about seven in the morning. The main city roads were paved, and the city and suburbs were rubbled. Some were properly lined with sand (generally countryside), gravel and mud, while a few others were corduroy roads. Corduroy roads were fabricated mostly on swampy and marshy land, with a log of timber and scarce sand covering. Vigorously-constructed and well-maintained roads connected all the major cities of the Roman empire to Rome. Roads are a crucial contribution to economic development and growth, transportation, and bring important social benefits. As a result, we are able to meet up and see our friends in

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