Differences Between The Giver Book And Movie

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The Giver is a book that is set up to be a utopian community. There is a boy named Jonas who get selected for a special job of receiving the town’s memories. In this community, you can’t think for yourself and you don’t have feelings. It turns out that the community isn’t such a utopian community after all. There was a movie made off this spectacular book and it is much different. In the following sentences, you will learn about the differences between The Giver book and movie.
The first point is Fiona and Jonas’s relationship. The book states that Fiona and Jonas are just friends but the movie says more. Once Jonas escapes from the community, the Elders look back through the security footage and see Fiona and Jonas kiss. Jonas tries to tell Fiona about feelings and in the movie he succeeds. Jonas tells Fiona to stop taking the pills she learns about feelings. This leads Fiona to help with Jonas’s escape. In the book, Fiona has nothing to do with Jonas’s escape but she is extremely vital in the movie. She almost gets released in the movie but the book does not go into as much detail. I think the movie chose to make this change so that the movie is more approving to an older audience. The movie version worked better because Jonas needed help escaping and Fiona …show more content…

The book says they are twelve and the movie does not say what age they are but it is clear that they are late teens or early twenties. In the book, Fiona and Jonas are just friends and it works better because they are twelve. In the movie they are older so a relationship is more reasonable. Their ages also make the movie more ordinary because of the age they get their jobs. Late teens or early twenties is a lot better age to get a job. I think the movie made these changes so that the story wouldn’t be so out there. This was a very smart decision on the producer’s part because the movie makes more sense and there aren’t as many questions being

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