The Four Stages Of Infant Development

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Watching an infant grow is such an amazing experience. Me being a mother of five each child was totally different in their growth. The developments of infants are categorized in many different parts.There are also stages that are called milestones that lets us know how they are progressing in their development. Physical, and cognitive are two of many that infants immediately began at a very early stage in life. Each of the developments play a major role in a child’s life. Physical development indicates the growth of an infant starting at the head and moving through other parts …show more content…

They can feel hot and cold, hunger and satisfaction, soft and rough textures, pain and comfort, and cuddling and abandonment. This explains why babies can often be soothed at birth by their caregivers' warm hugs or a warm bottle.” Preoperational stage the child learns how to use their imagination, but unable to understand logic. In Concrete operational stage this is when kids began thinking logically and being more organized. Formal operational stage is during when kids are more at the age of becoming a young adult. They are able to reason more to specific situations. With each of the four stages it aids in the cognitive development and it helps with the physical development of a …show more content…

With physical growth infants hit certain milestones in their growing to indicate how they are progressing in their growth. Infant development is crucial in the first year of their life. I remember my first born was such a busy body as an infant. She started rolling over by herself at two months. She began crawling at six months and walking at eight months. She was so independent. She did not want anyone to help her do anything. Unlike my last daughter was much slower than her older sibling. She was also much more dependent on me. Certain aspects changes infant’s physical development. For example, my son was born premature. His development was slowed down because of his inability of growing to his full extent inside the womb. It took help with machines to get on track. Doctors will measure an infant’s head to make sure that the child’s brain is growing at the proper rate. Gross motor skills and fine motor skills are the two categories

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