The Four Props Of Marketing In The Coca Cola Company

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Marketing is a well known act and process used by many businesses and brands to effectively sell their product or service. Marketing can be defined as a management method which creates the exchange between concepts or ideas to the customer. The four elements known as the four P’s of marketing are product, price, place and promotion. A product is selected and developed, followed by identifying a price determined by the company. A distribution medium is selected in order to enhance the reach to the place of the customer. The promotional strategy is designed and applied lastly so that it will further reach to the target audience. For this, a marketing strategy can be considered as the plan for contacting people and transforming them to become …show more content…

Coca Cola is a brand that has existed for more than one hundred years. This company has used brand consistency as a marketing strategy tactic to create awareness about its product. The Coca Cola Company is known globally by its logo, colours and product. It is so popular that by seeing the red and white colours alone can indicate to an individual who the company is and what the product is. By continuously promoting the same message and brand over years of marketing, the Coca Cola Company has successfully created awareness of the product for both loyal and new customers. Regardless of the fact that the company has different types of beverages besides the commonly and popularly known Coke, this has remained as the most known product associated with the Coca Cola Company due to their brand consistency as a marketing tactic to create awareness of the product. By creating awareness about it encouraged and targeted more individuals to gravitate towards using …show more content…

By formulating a marketing strategy, a company can identify business goals necessary for the company to be accomplished in terms of selling their products or services. Whether it may be creating awareness of the company and its products and services or successfully targeting a new audience, the goals decided on by the company aim to improve an aspect of the company through marketing goals. These marketing goals will elevate the level of the company based on the marketing strategy selected such as cause marketing, close range marketing, relationship marketing, transactional marketing, word of mouth marketing, call to action marketing, diversity marketing, mass marketing, seasonal marketing, public relations marketing, direct marketing and online and social media marketing (Jeffrey, 2017). Coca Cola used brand consistency as a marketing strategy to raise awareness about its product, whereas Apple used several types of tactics within their marketing strategy to create awareness, build relationships with customers, create comfort and need and value proposition through the use of marketing campaigns which resonated with their target segment (Kulkarni, 2017). Despite the fact that Coca Cola and Apple used two different means to promote their products and services, both companies showed that a well processed marketing

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