The Five Modes Of Multimodality

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To understand multimodality, I first to need define mode. Mode simply refers to a set of different techniques to allow the reader to achieve a deeper meaning out of content. Mode isn’t just communication but the connection between these resources and how they interact with one another. Mavers also notes that “what a mode is continues to be subject to debate” in part because modes are “socially and culturally shaped”. Information from this text suggests that there are not hard and fast rules for what counts as a mode. Instead, particular groups are able to define what is and what is not a mode. In their threshold concept, Cheryl E Ball and Colin Charlton point to five modes: “linguistic, aural, visual, gestural, and spatial”. The couple of examples are just a couple of the many modes that can be present in a work. In short, multimodality is the use of multiple modes within a work to greater enhance the topic a writer is trying to convey. …show more content…

It refers to the potentialities and constraints of different modes.” I have chosen a poem from Rupi Kaur book, The sun and her flowers, named what love looks like to talk about mode and how there are limitations to these modes because it is only a poem in a book. Poetry isn’t always easily understood by everyone because there is normally a deeper meaning that not everyone grasps when reading the first time and even if they do, not everyone interprets the same thing. Below are two pictures from the first and last page of the

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