The Five Dysfunction Of A Team Summary

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team—An Exemplar of Effective Leadership The leadership fable, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, examines the leadership qualities and professional dialogue that makes teams effective. Throughout the novel, Lencioni provides an effectual illustration to lead a professional team to utilize open dialogue, including conflict, to reach their goals. Leadership is a multi-faceted topic, which requires much collaboration, research, and a never-ending search to find and refine oneself; hence, it is vital to surround and immerse oneself in literature from profound leaders and to mold your leadership style as a model for personal change to effectively engage in future relationships with others. When one practices leadership …show more content…

When one is exercising the model conjointly with effectual leadership practices, then leadership rises amongst the individual and their team. When one practices leadership in disconnect with the leadership practices mentioned in Lencioni’s novel, examples of failure are provided in the text to illustrate how to evade becoming an ineffectual practitioner of leadership. Even though the model provides a framework for leadership, the leadership model outlined in Lencioni’s novel are appropriate for aspirant educational …show more content…

The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be” (p. 5). Therefore, in any leadership setting, fostering collaboration through charisma is an effective leadership quality to possess that will immediately create a sense of familiarity, which leads to trust. Effective leaders that possess charisma encourage team members to find humor in their mistakes, instead of dwelling in their inadequacies. In Lencioni’s (2002) novel, Kathryn begins to establish her leadership role through gaining the trust of the group and fostering a collaborative environment centered on attaining a

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