The First World War

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The First World War

Source A at first glance doesn't appear to tell us very much about why

the war went on for as long as it did. It appears to be poem about two

soldiers who met the general and shows at the end how he was

responsible for their deaths in his plan of attack. The only reason it

seems to show is that the generals should have been defending when

they should have been defending because as it says, many men were

going to die in the attack which when we look back at it, we see they

only gained minimal amounts of land for thousands of lives. This,

although it is a good reason for the protracted length of the war, it

is not the only one stated in the poem. Looking closely at it you can

see that the men had to walk up to the front line. This is another

reason as it shows us how hard it was for both sides to move supplies

up to the front as no vehicles or trains could get there because

firstly of the muddy ground which no vehicles could get through

including tanks. The second reason is that the vehicles weren't

allowed to risk the journey up to the front because of the risk of

artillery. This reason is also shown in source C where we see a tank

that has been abandoned, either because it got stuck in the mud or

that it got hit by a shell. It is a prime example of why the third

battle of. It is a prime example of why the third battle of pres was

called "The Battle of the Mud." The mud was created by the artillery

shells completely destroying the drainage systems around the low lying

area of Flanders. The thing about the mud though was that, it wasn't

just a hindrance to the allies but also to the Germans which is

usually forgotten, when people think of World War 1, they think of the

hardship the allies had to endure and forget the Germans had an

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