Intelligence Test Essay

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In today's society, intelligence quotient is still very important. What is intelligence? In the dictionary, it defines the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. In my family, adults always compare all the children who are smarter. Sometime they judge people with a simple test. For example, one time my cousin who got the highest English test in his school, all my aunts and uncles include my parent think he is the smartest person in the family. Can a simple intelligence test tell you how smart are you? I think the answer will be unknown because some of the test can help people, but some cannot. Most of people love to do the different intelligence tests. People are still believed in a person with higher IQ score must be smart. People can do many intelligence tests online, but they only care about what the score they can get. If the score is low, then they will think the test is not accurate, however, when the score is high they will believe the test is really testing their IQ. I think the most important question is how we measure the intelligence to help people understand what we are capable with. Now, I will provide a brief history of intelligence test, what are some good and bad things about intelligence test, and the proper and improper ways using intelligence test.
Many countries designed their own intelligence tests in early time. In ancient China about 4000 years ago, Chinese designed a test in every third year to prove their competence which they have the ability to do the job for the government. Alfred Binet, who is a French psychologist, he developed the first successful test of intelligence to predict future academic success. During World War I, the U.S army used intelligence tests to evaluate and assign rec...

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... focus more on the high score students. Sometimes parents will lose faith once they heard their children put in the low score classroom. Some of the high score students become arrogant; they do not work hard and easy to give up.
At the early time, IQ mostly seems by genetic as if your parents smart, then you will be smart. For example, I always heard my mother talk about my cousin will be successful because his dad is very smart. Now, I think the environment makes the strong influence. Intelligence test scores can be improved by studying hard. I always heard 1% of genius and 99% of the work hard can make you successful. IQ tests are limited. People should focus on what they are really capable with. People have their own innate ability, and they cannot discover their abilities in an intelligence test. A high test score does not mean you are smart than other people.

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