The Importance Of Intelligence Testing

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Intelligence testing has created much debate amongst scholars; some of the concerns in the dispute question the very definition and existence of intelligence. There are issues concerning the nature nurture debate and IQ (intelligence quotient) and race (Winberg, 1989; Howe 1990). This essay defines intelligence tests and demonstrates what scholars believe intelligence tests really measure. It further explains some types of intelligence tests used worldwide, as well as an outline of how certain factors such as the family environment and schooling which can arguably act as confounds in the measurement of intelligence.

1. Knight (1946) suggests that intelligence is the ability to attain the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. …show more content…

This test comes in three formats; the Colour Progressive Matrices which is utilised when testing children and the elderly, the Standard Progressive Matrices for the general population and mostly used in groups in order to assess how capable they can work without distractions even when they are working at their own pace. Lastly, the Advanced Progressive Matrices which accesses the pace of an individual’s intellectual capacity is useful in judging a person before employing them Raven et al …show more content…

Individual differences play an important role and research demonstrates that individuals have many different types of intelligence which cannot be captured by traditional psychometric tests. Other factors which can influence the measurement of intelligence is a person’s genes and their environment.

Reference List
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