The Employment Opportunities For Women In 1914 At The Outbreak Of War

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The Employment Opportunities For Women In 1914 At The Outbreak Of War

Before the war, women had few employment opportunities, which meant

that the jobs that were available were poorly paid. Factory owners

employed women because their fingers were thought to be very nimble,

so they could work the new machinery. Women did various different

jobs in these factories and small workshops including making nails,

chains, bricks, matches, clothes, hats and buttons.

Even though women were not meant to work in the underground mines,

many of them worked on the surface, as bosses still employed them.

Their job included working at the pit mounds where they loaded the

coal into trucks and separated the ironstone from the shale.

Some women were servants for the upper class, this was known as

domestic service. This job included washing, cooking and cleaning.

Even though they had everything provided for them such as food and

shelter, this was not a particularly good job. These women were under

the watchful eye of their masters all the time. Many worked from 6am

to midnight everyday and on their day off they had to go to church

with their master and his family.

Women were paid about half of what men were paid. For example, a

man’s average wage in the 1880s for working in an office was £2+ a

week, whereas a women’s was £1 a week. This inequality continued to

be the same at the outbreak of war.

Many working-class women worked at home as housewives. They cooked,

washed, cleaned and looked after their children. Many working class

families had a lot of children because their contraception was

expensive, which meant opportunities and time to gain employment

outside of the home were limited.

As new technology was developed, such as telephones and typewriters,

more jobs became available for women. Women’s fingers were thought to

be very suitable for the telephone switchboards, so women were

employed. Some women had received an education, so they were able to

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