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Naacp brown v board of education
Naacp brown v board of education
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Some historians have argued that 1950s America marked a step back for the advancement that women made during WWII. What contributed to this “return to domesticity” and do you believe that the the decade was good or bad for women? The end of World War II was the main contributing factor to the “return to domesticity”. During the war, women played a vital role in the workforce because all of the men had to go fight overseas and left their jobs. This forced women to work in factories and volunteer for war time measures. “At the war’s end, even though a majority of women surveyed reported wanted to keep their jobs, many were forced out by men returning home and by the downturn in demand for war materials… The nation that needed their help in The kids were breaking out of the cultural norms from the past and getting too rowdy. What about the 1950s created an environment and culture that allowed for the beginning of a wide-scale civil rights movement. To what extent was the movement successful in the 1950s? What were the limitations of the movement? The 1950s created an environment and culture that allowed for the beginning of a wide-scale civil rights movement because of prominent leaders in the black community, the death of Emmett Till, and the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. Prominent leaders of the time included Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks, who led blacks to fight for their rights, and stand up for their cause. These leaders led marches on Washington and boycotts that caught people's attentions. “The Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown decision holds up fairly well, however, as a catalyst and starting point for wholesale shifts in perspective” (Branch). This angered blacks, and was a call to action for equality, and desegregation. The court decision caused major uproar, and gave the African American community a boost because segregation in schools was now The government would inaccurately portray communism many times to make them look more egregious than they really were. “In the wake of the Cold War, Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy consumer goods to help the economy grow. In turn, the U.S. became the world’s dominant economic power” ("Cold War Influences on American Culture, Politics, and Economics"). Americans started to become more patriotic before the cold war and do whatever they had to do to stop communism. In this instance, Americans bought more consumer goods to boost the economy, and to also show that the American way of life was superior to the communists way of life. “Despite American affluence, the spread of communism and the threat of global atomic war plagued Americans with a sense of constant threat both from within and without” (Prono). Many Americans were being taught that communists were the enemy from when they were young, so it created a generation that had so much hate and were so scared of the communist influence. In the education system, it was now integrated into the
America became more against communism when the USSR decided to create a "buffer" zone of friendly states between it and Germany basically meaning they wanted to make sure no future invasions of Russia from the West or Germany were easily carried out. They planned to do this by redrawing Poland's boundary. These two issues were the main talk of the peace conferences at Yalta and Postdam in 1945. The Yalta Conference in February was when Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill met at Yalta in the Soviet Union. Because the war was drawing to an end decisions had to made about how to run Europe after it which later proved to cause more tension.
The United States’ feared the spread of communism and attempted to do anything in its power to stop it. Before the United States was able to stop the spread of communist beliefs, the citizens of the United States government were becoming more and more paranoid.
The ideas promoted by McCarthyism and the anti-communistic sentiment of the times were meant to push people away from non-conventional ways of thinking. Anything that was the slightest bit left or radical or even new could be construed as communistic. After Russia’s rejection to the Marshall Plan, a strong wave of communist fear began to sweep the nation and was being promoted by the U.S. government and the media. The early development of the Russian nuclear weapon brought grounds for suspicions of leaked information and the discovery and conviction of espionage for the Rosenbergs only fanned the flames of fear. The 1940’s were plagued with endless magazine articles like “How Communists Get That Way” and “Communists Are After Your Child.” Even President Truman’s Attorney General stated “There are today many Communists in America. They are everywhere--in factories, offices, butcher shops, on street corners, in private businesses--and each carries in himself the germs of death for society.” The Cold War had created a fear that democracy was in danger and that the American people must take drastic measures to ensure the continuance of their way of life. The first step taken in searching out “Communists” in the U.S. was the development of the House on Un-American Activities Committee or the HUAC. The HUAC was formed in the 1930’s but didn’t really become active until the Cold War controversies began in the forties and fifties and would assist Senator Joseph McCarthy in rooting out the “Reds”. The HUAC distributed millions of pamphlets to the American public cautioning: “One...
When the war started, women had to take over the jobs of men and they learned to be independent. These women exemplified the beginning of change. Coupled with enfranchisement and the increased popularity of birth control, women experienced a new liberation. When the men returned from the war they found competition from the newly liberated woman who did not want to settle for making a home (Melman 17). This new class of women exercised a freedom that shocked society.
The case of brown v. board of education was one of the biggest turning points for African Americans to becoming accepted into white society at the time. Brown vs. Board of education to this day remains one of, if not the most important cases that African Americans have brought to the surface for the better of the United States. Brown v. Board of Education was not simply about children and education (Silent Covenants pg 11); it was about being equal in a society that claims African Americans were treated equal, when in fact they were definitely not. This case was the starting point for many Americans to realize that separate but equal did not work. The separate but equal label did not make sense either, the circumstances were clearly not separate but equal. Brown v. Board of Education brought this out, this case was the reason that blacks and whites no longer have separate restrooms and water fountains, this was the case that truly destroyed the saying separate but equal, Brown vs. Board of education truly made everyone equal.
The first reason Americans began fearing the Communist party, is due to the party’s association with Russia and Stalinism. Russia was the most widely known Communist state in the world and the American Communist party’s adoration of it was the best-known thing about them . This became a large problem for the American Communist party when Stalin became a terrifying figure to the average American as knowledge of his atrocities and betrayals began to leak past the Iron Curtain. While most of the American Communists “just didn’t believe” these rumours, the average person did, and they did not see a difference between the American C...
The 1940s provided a drastic change in women’s employment rates and society's view of women. With the end of the Depression and the United States’ entrance into World War II, the number of jobs available to women significantly increased. As men were being drafted into military service, the United States needed more workers to fill the jobs left vacant by men going to war. Women entered the workforce during World War II due to the economic need of the country. The use of Patriotic rhetoric in government propaganda initiated and encouraged women to change their role in society. Yet, at the end of the war, the same ideas that encouraged women to accept new roles had an averse affect on women, encouraging them to leave the workforce. The patriotism promoted by propaganda in the 1940s, encouraged Americans to support the war effort and reinforced the existing patriarchal society. Propaganda's use of patriotism not only increased loyalty to America during the war, but also, increased loyalty to the traditional American patriarchal values held in society.
While there were many significant events in the 1950’s, a movement in civil rights stands out the most in my mind. In America during the 1950’s there was a large disturbance and a great desire for African Americans to actually become Americans. Meaning that they could vote, not be segregated, and have all the other rights that other Americans had. While there are many great African Americans like Rosa Parks and attorney Thurgood Marshall that had a part in the civil rights movement of the 1950’s, Dr. Martin Luther King unarguably had the greatest impact. Dr. King felt that in order for the civil rights movement to be successful that, “We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline”. (Civil Rights Timeline, 2007) Based off this statement and belief, Dr. King lead many successful peace marches and even delivered the world famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If a man hasn't discove...
The women during the war felt an obligation to assist in one form or another. Many stayed at home to watch over the children, while others felt a more direct or indirect approach was necessary. Amongst the most common path women took to support the war, many "served as clerks...filled the ammunition cartridges and artillery shells with powder at armories, laboring at this dangerous and exacting task for low wages. Both sides utilized women in these capacities (Volo 170)." Women that stayed away from battlefields supported their respected armies by taking the jobs that men left behind. They were the grease in the gears of war, the individuals working behind the scenes so that the men would be prepared, ready to fight with functioning weapons and operational gear.
On the seventeenth day in May 1954 a decision was made which changed things in the United States dramatically. For millions of black Americans, news of the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education meant, at last, that they and their children no longer had to attend separate schools. Brown v. Board of Education was a Supreme Court ruling that changed the life of every American forever.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 50's and 60's was arguably one of the most formative and influential periods in American history. Hundreds of thousands of civil rights activists utilized non violent resistance and civil disobediance to revolt against racial segregration and discrimination. The Civil Rights Movement began in the southern states, but quickly rose to national prominence.
Chapter 30 and 31 were named “The Triumph of Conservatism” and “A Nation Transformed” respectively. In 1980, Ronald Regan was elected as the president of the United States and he began the process of adapting the conservative values in the U.S. The “Triumph” in chapter 30 was referring to the conservatism’s victory of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Chapter 31 revolves around globalization which “transformed” the U.S. as a nation. Although the cold war inhibited the trade between the U.S. and Soviet Union, it also helped America to move toward globalization. The globalization of America emboldened the involvement of the U.S. in foreign affairs. The involvement of America on abroad issues led to war on terror and economic crisis. As usual, different groups of people experienced the legacy of cold war differently.
Firstly, the work women did when men left for the war, was very crucial and led to the Allied win. Demand of food and munitions overseas was not being fulfilled because farmers and factory workers went to France for the war. Work wasn't getting done and as a ...
The Supreme Court is perhaps most well known for the Brown vs. Board of Education decision in 1954. By declaring that segregation in schools was unconstitutional, Kevern Verney says a ‘direct reversal of the Plessy … ruling’1 58 years earlier was affected. It was Plessy which gave southern states the authority to continue persecuting African-Americans for the next sixty years. The first positive aspect of Brown was was the actual integration of white and black students in schools. Unfortunately, this was not carried out to a suitable degree, with many local authorities feeling no obligation to change the status quo. The Supreme Court did issue a second ruling, the so called Brown 2, in 1955. This forwarded the idea that integration should proceed 'with all deliberate speed', but James T. Patterson tells us even by 1964 ‘only an estimated 1.2% of black children ... attended public schools with white children’2. This demonstrates that, although the Supreme Court was working for Civil Rights, it was still unable to force change. Rathbone agrees, saying the Supreme Court ‘did not do enough to ensure compliance’3. However, Patterson goes on to say that ‘the case did have some impact’4. He explains how the ruling, although often ignored, acted ‘relatively quickly in most of the boarder s...
With so many men abroad fighting, women were needed in the workforce. Thousands of women flocked to munitions factories, farms and public services around the country. Actually around two million women replaced men in employment during the war. This newfound independence had a significant impact on their lives. It made them confident with themselves and confident with standing up for their rights.