The Eight Stages Of Cady's Mean Girls

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Everyone loves popular girls that are hot and sexy like Cady in “Mean girls”. But these popular girls can also be mean. So how do these girls develop their personality? Erickson answers this as having to go through eight stages of psychosocial development going through differences between an individual and the society. Unfortunately Cady an innocent little girl at the beginning of the movie developed though the three of the eight stages of Erickson theory involving trust v. Mistrust, t a sweet that turns her personality from an innocent girl to a mean, popular girl. Cady is uncertain looks for the primary care giver as a teen for the first day of high school. For a teen who never went to high school she needs trust. But she managed at first didn’t know who to trust. But she slowly learns to trust. She trusts Rahul and Damien when they told their friends during gym period. How? She develops care and consistency trust inwhen they helped her… And regina. Cady is uncertain looks for the primary care giver.when she ….. develop truse and sense o f security.when new crsis people will be there as virtue hope sense of support. Example. Regina ‘s example. …show more content…

Plastics, Damien.. reapeat. Learn interpersonal skills, plan intitiate and plan activities. More secure in ability to lead others. make decisions. Ask a lot of questions.Cady is new. She doesn’t know her identity. She is dependent on others. Her identity is her friends. She at first is Damien’s friend. But then she becomes reginas friend. She learns what to do with each

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