Work And Social Work: Causes Of Work Stress At Work

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Work-related stress can be one of the worst situations an individual would have to deal during their working careers. Most people probably do not realize they may be suffering from work-related stress and most people actually believe that this stress only happens during work and disappears when you go home which may be true in some cases but there are others that are not as lucky as letting the stress disappear on command.
Causes of Work Stress: There are many situations that can cause a worker to become stressed even if you have a passion for your job and get things done, stress can sneak up on any situation. There can be both short-term and long-term stress for example short-term stress could be caused by the pressure of meeting a deadline and long-term stress can be caused from chronically being stressed at work. If a worker is constantly stressing out about meeting deadlines and is never getting rid …show more content…

Most workers are afraid to bring up problems to their managers or bosses which can bring stress onto a worker when they are unhappy at work. By simply talking to your manager or boss or supervisor, you can bring up ideas to make the work environment easier or less stressful that they may take into consideration and may help you in the long run. Usually people do not tend to take this step into consideration and that is because they are afraid of sounding like they are complaining about the job but this is why simply talking and bringing up ideas would be different than bringing up all these complaints. Also, there is the option of talking the stress out with someone such as friends, spouses, family, counselor, or a

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