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Roles of a social worker in areas of child abuse
The role of social workers in child abuse
Roles of a social worker in areas of child abuse
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Introduction Social work and public intervention are essential to promote safety for oppressed individuals, especially for children. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is responsible for public intervention regarding children who were abused or neglected by their families. However, significant factors, such as caseload size and self-efficacy can impair the delivery of quality services. (Massachusetts Department of Children and Families [DCF], 2012). My research study was stimulated by my personal interest in social work, particularly services devoted to children. Exploring what issues affect the quality of these services can assist social workers, and society in general, to find solutions. This research attempts to highlight how …show more content…
Still, researchers such as Lizano and Barak (2012) showed how burnout factors, such as higher emotional exhaustion, job stress and work-family conflict can be a major cause of turnover in social services, affecting the quality of services delivered. Although burnout factors are present barriers in a social work profession, I was interested to review resiliency factors, such as self-efficacy skills. I want to investigate how resiliency factors are present in some social workers. These resiliency factors enable workers to perform, despite the demands of the profession. All of these factors are relevant to social work and will promote future alternative strategies to assist the delivery of DCF quality services for children in …show more content…
The method used was a mixture of data collection and participants. Personal information from participants were collected from 2007 to 2009 using the computer-based behavioral health outcomes management system. The participants were youth, ages 10 to 19, who were receiving services due to familial abuse and/or neglect. The participating parents were paid $33 per completed assessment funded by a grant. The study used an effective report assessment method to measure how technology software can assist workers in developing a new resilience model and minimize caseload size. The results showed that this technology can assist social workers with caseload size management, assisting workers with assessment priority. This technology can also be used to identify resilient traits in their clients and assist with assessment and
The job of a child welfare worker appears to be a demanding profession that promotes the child’s safety, but also strengthens the family organization around them in order to successfully raise the children. This child welfare workers work in the system known as the Child Protective Services whose initiative is to protect the overall welfare of the child. The short novel From the Eye of the Storm: the Experiences of a Child Welfare Worker by Cynthia Crosson-Tower demonstrates the skills necessary to deal with the practice of social work along with both its challenges and its happy moments. The novel consists of some of the cases involving Tower’s actual career in social work. In reading the book, I was able to experience some of the actual cases in which children dealt with physical and mental abuse from their families that caused them to end up within the system. Also, some of these children had issues in adapting to foster and adoptive families based on the issues they faced earlier in life. As we have learned earlier in the course, the violence that a child experiences early in life has an overall affect on the person they become as they grow into adulthood. When children deal with adverse childhood experiences, they are at a higher risk for abusing drugs and/or alcohol, increased likelihood of abusing their own child or spouse, higher rates of violent and nonviolent criminal behavior, along with several other issues throughout their lifespan.
The challenges that the social worker identified and the impact the abuse could have on Brandon include the trauma and abuse, illness and struggle may be injurious, but they may also be sources of challenge and opportunity. Every environment is full of resources. Resources can provide great strengths. One of social workers’ major roles is to link clients with the resources they need to empower them to improve their lives (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman,
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Retrieved from http://class.waldenu.edu.
The underscoring concept to social work practice the pursuit towards a socially just society. Social workers serve the purpose of enriching society by enhancing social justice and eliminating social oppression. Mandates and mission statements support these objectives within social service agencies both in for profit and nonprofit sectors. One thing that every social service agency has in common is the overarching ideology that shapes the society they serve and more specifically, ideology influences the way an agency can conduct its services. Philosophy in most cases only goes as far as policy allows it too. This paper will examine the similarities and differences from western child welfare policy in the United States (US) and look outwards at international trends of practice and policy in Finland and Germany. In order to develop effective policy that meets society’s needs, it’s important to analysis other countries child welfare policies and gain an understanding of what is making a difference in child welfare practice around the world.
This class, Social Work Theory & Practice was made to be able to introduce me to social work theories, ideas, and skills needed to work in the social work profession. This class main tool used was a book called A Brief Introduction of Social Work Theory by David Howe which discusses social work theories in a compressive and explainable way. This class is important to my higher learning because it break down the theories that I will need to use during my practice and a...
My life’s experience influenced my decision to become a social worker. Without getting to far in detail I have experienced both sides of the pendulum. The negative experiences are what made me a stronger person. I have a profound understanding of the destruction of a...
The aim of this assignment is to analyse the development of British social policy, in relation to the development of children services. The author will explore the social policy responses to child protection from 1842 to 2011. This topic of social policy was chosen by the author because it is his area of social work he would like to practice in the future. In the beginning of the assignment the word will describe what social policy and child protection means in her/his own words linking it to other definitions. The essay author will analyse how child protection has develop looking at past legislation and how children’s deaths have influenced the way children services work today. Using different research the essay author will evaluate the benefits and challenges offered by inter-agency, inter-professional partnership working with children and families. In the conclusion, the authors will a brief description of what he/she have written.
...(as discussed previously), attentiveness for the need of such an intervention is a step in the right direction. Furthermore, Wotherspoon, Laberge, and Pirie (2008) indicate that the “… rapid increase in the number of requests for a consultation from our child welfare partners…” (p. 391) demonstrates the positive benefits of their CMHC program. This program has built a relationship with Child Welfare and included opportunities for those workers to enhance their knowledge (Wotherspoon, Laberge, & Pirie, 2008) on child development, mental health and trauma implications. As highlighted in Bass’s et al. (2004) report, the policies and practices for child welfare agencies are varied between different states, hence their contribution towards alleviating and preventing mental health problems in young foster children is unbalanced and hard to measure in terms of success.
Sheafor, B. W., & Horejsi, C. R. (2012). Techniques and guidelines for social work practice (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. (Sheafor & Horejsi, 2011)
Domestic violence has increased over the years and has become a major issue for the children that live through it. In a study organized by David Wolfe, researchers concluded that from 1990 to 1993, there was an increase of 256,112 child abuse cases (Wolfe11). In a more recent evaluation relating to domestic violence by Louise Gerdes, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) made an assessment on Child Protective Services (CPS) and reported that domestic abuse and neglect claimed the lives of 1,760 children in 2007 in comparison to 1,460 in 2005 (Gerdes 129-130). The neglect that these children are put in can only be categorized as child abuse. With all of these abuse cases, one could wonder how this abuse might be carried out against the well-being of the child.
The basis of this assignment was to create a further and more in depth understanding of my chosen field, social work. Social workers aid and support individuals, groups, and communities through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people are safeguarded from harm. Without them our nation would not have the proper support to establish order and relations in society. I explored the numerous types of social working jobs, ranging from Child, Family, and School social workers, Mental Health and Substance Abuse social workers, to social workers in Administration, Policy, and Research. I provided all of the educational requirements necessary to become a social worker, along with the benefits of acquiring a higher degree. In addition, I included the average salary of an entry level social worker and the average salary for a social worker with a Master’s degree or other professional licensure. I provided all essential information one would need to know before entering the field of social work. For example, what the job requires beyond what you can learn in a classroom. Patience, understanding and empathy are a few of the many imperative personality traits a social work must possess. Along with the facts and statistics I incorporated into my paper, I also included a personal section explaining why I chose to enter this field.
Each year this number increases and the federal government speculates that because of inaccuracies in reporting from hospitals and coroners, the real number is likely twice that amount.” Child social work (2015). Child abuse is a viral problem. Survivors of child abuse are more likely to abuse their children, and these children are likely to abuse their future children. The incidence of child abuse triples in low-socioeconomic homes, leading child social workers to feel it is associated with the stress of poverty. Prevention is currently the best solution for child abuse, but an abusive situation is often difficult to spot. Certainly physical abuse is easily recognized by physical markings or damage, such as bruises or burns. Sexual and emotional abuse are more difficult to identify because the child is often too afraid or too young to speak about
Social work burnout is an issue for many people; burnout does not just affect the social worker though. If a social work is experiencing burn out then they are less likely going to be able to preform at their best capacities, accordingly the client will suffer from this. Social work burnout is more common than expected. The NASW did a survey and found that roughly 65% of social are experiencing fatigue, 37% are experiencing Psychological problems, and 23% are experiencing sleep disorders. (Arrington, P. 2008) These statistics show that there is an issue with social work burnout. If a social worker is feeling fatigue or did not get enough sleep, their work with their clients will suffer. Nonetheless if a
I would to begin this paper with an authentic definition of the Social Work field. Social work practices involves facilitating change—in other words, working with others, not doing something to them or for them(Dubois). Most people and social workers would always use the world ‘help’ in some way or form when defining social workers. Which is true but the confusion come in when asked where they work, who they assist and how they differ from other helping professions. Social workers can be sustain abuse therapists, child welfare specialists, and school social workers. We are not limited to just the department of social services. They can work in nursing homes, hospitals, and even in legislation.
The social work profession is defined as “a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people (ISFW, ‘Global Definition of Social Work’, 2016).” The definition may be true about the profession but it is more in depth than just that. To me, the profession’s primary focus is to help others through life as much as we can while letting them make their own choices and guiding them. In society, social workers are utilized in many different nonprofit and government roles. They serve the community in many different ways from monitoring parent visits to helping people through mental illnesses. Human beings are so complex and things that happen