The Effects Of Congestion In Windhoek

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Congestion is when road is overloaded with a lot traffic making it hard for road users to move or drive at ease. Those affected by congestion in Windhoek are commuters (Home- Work Car trips), Regional Freight delivery (work-work internal truck trips, Interregional freight delivery (work- work External truck trips, Regional service delivery (non-commodity trips), Personal travel (non-work based trips) are the topics to be discussed.
Commuters (home to work car trips) although the commuter absorbs the travel time and
Expenses associated with congestion, the literature indicates that employers in competitive urban labour markets end up compensating workers for differentials in commuting costs. Thus, employers end up absorbing excess congestion costs associated with commuting trips. Because essentially all commuting trips have origins and destinations within the region (Khomas), these trips are usually captured by NSA (Namibia Statistics Agency) as regional travel data. The Regional freight delivery (work to work internal truck trips causes implications associated with truck trips such a...

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