The Dragon Research Paper

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Dragons are very important symbols in Asia, they serve as guardians, marriage symbols, and many other things. Dragons are defined as mythological creatures that look serpent like. Different places in Asia each has their own symbolism for the dragon. Dragons are popular in many panting’s all across of Asia and have been around for a long time. Dragons not only appear on painting, but also on many other things such as jewelry and robes. The origin of dragons in Japan were actually from China, dragons were a classified as a mythical animal and a member of the NAGA family of serpentine creatures that protected Buddhism. The dragons were very powerful and fearsome, but they were also benevolent and brought wealth and good fortune. They also say that a dragon can shape shift, they shape shift into a human and mate with people. The dragons were called NAGA; they were often described as a water spirits with human shapes that would wear a crown that had serpents on it. The dragons are considered to be one of the eight deities that worship and protect Buddha. By the 2nd century BC the dragons were supposed to dispel evil so pictures of dragons were painted on the tomb walls. The Chinese said that the dragon served as a protector of …show more content…

Her husband, Hori no Mikoto was very lonely and desperately wanted to see the surface world since he had been living in the underwater palace for three years. Before he went up to the surface world, Toyotama-hime was pregnant with his child, it was a boy. Their son had four children of his own and one of his children was the first human emperor of Japan, his name was Kamuyamato Iwarebiko, but is known as Kinmu Tenno. Hori was a descendent of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Since these two became married, they’re family tree is basically full of gods and goddesses of

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