The Dependable Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

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Dependable means to be trustworthy and reliable, love means an intense feeling of deep affection. These two words don't sound the same nor mean the same thing, but describe and connect to the devotion between Romeo and Juliet. There are a lot of important key factors that make up a good relationship. Romeo and Juliet seem to have those important key factors as for they have an astonishing relationship. Early in the book it is clearly stated that Romeo and Juliet come from prosperous families, however both families have a strong hatred toward each other. Juliet is the daughter of the Capulets and Romeo the son of the Montagues. The love story began when Romeo snuck into the Capulet's celebration. Meeting that very night changed both lives forever as that was the night they both became inseparable. On that contrary, George and Lennie in the book Of Mice and Men, have known eachother since the very first page of the book. The pair George and Lennie are traveling workers who happen to travel by each other's sides. Throughout the book is is quite easy to point out that one of the main characters Lennie, has a mental disability. Because of this George another main character is often stressed out and sometimes lost on what to do. All through the book George and Lennie have their difficulties and sometimes have problems seeing eye to eye on many situations. …show more content…

Subsequently after reading both heartfelt books Romeo and Juliet and Of Mice and Men it is easily shown that Romeo and Juliet have a better and stronger relationship rather than George and Lennie because Romeo and Juliet without a doubt or second thought would and already do anything for eachother and even make the largest sacrifices for one another, both show great amounts of affection toward each other, and either would forsake the

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