The Declaration of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence

A change is needed from all the irrational treatment. To all the authority figures that take their privileges of leadership too far and grasp so tight that the proverbial sand is now stone. Independence shall be granted from all who’s too stubborn to admit their childish ways and take no pity on those who fall in the path of their wrath. In utter ignorance and complete incompetence strike down those who are: different; misunderstood; meek and those who are more liberal than the next man.

If one should happen to speak against ill logic, is it a crime? Is there change needed, or should one take what (s)he is told as gospel do whom it was spoken from or with a grain of salt? I speak against all people who are close-minded to compromise because it is against their own personal belief and force one to their own point of view. I now question all the authority of those who belief authority shall not be questioned.

Throughout history of America the people have fallen under rule of those who are the minorities and is now more apparent then ever. Some will argue that we’re a democracy that means “for the people” when in fact we are ruled by electoral votes making us a republic. If all society were to rise up for public nudity or legalization of marijuana there is no issuance change would be made. This is do to the fact that our votes for the U.S. really don’t matter compared to the minority of electoral votes. We are ruled by people who refer to society as “the public.” One would even go so far as to say that our voting system is a joke, and comfort blanket to help us feel we’re in control. We need to establish independence and give back control to the people.

Since the mid 1900’s are rights have been stepped on and laws passed so congressmen can get more rich, and we’re told it for are own good and not to question. The U.S. has more people incarcerated than any other country and we’re told we’re free. Congress doesn’t understand us. For example alcohol kills thousands of people a year in car wrecks, yet in other countries you can drink almost at any age, but little alcohol related deaths.

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