The Deaths of Romeo and Juliet

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The Deaths of Romeo and Juliet

For many reasons people wonder why Romeo and Juliet died some people

think it was by fate and some think it was their adolescent passion,

this is what makes Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet one of the greatest

love stories and also a great symbol for true love.

Lets revise the story to analyse the cause of their death.

As the story opens we can see that Romeo and Juliet's family the

Montague's and the Capulets are feuding and at the beginning of the

play it is said that the two families have been feuding for so long

that the families have forgotten why they are actually fighting. The

two families are disturbing the peace in Verona so much that prince

Escalus himself had to break up a fight between the two families.

In the beginning the story starts with Romeo who is in love with

Rosaline but Rosaline does not show any feelings for Romeo and then

coldly rejects Romeo, Romeo then tries to repair his broken heart by

going to a party to take his mind off the pain.

At this party he meets Juliet and immediately falls in love with her.

Unfortunately Juliet happens to be a Capulet (as discussed before

Romeo was a Montague and the two families are feuding)

He makes a decision to marry her the next day. Friar Lawrence who is

the priest marries the couple but by doing this conflict between the

two families increases causing the death of Romeo's friend Mercutio

who is killed by Juliet's cousin named Tybalt.

This causes Romeo to be furious and with an uncontrollable rage causes

him to kill Tybalt.

People in Verona decide to banish Romeo from the city as this happens

the Capulets were planning Juliet's marriage to Paris, this makes

Juliet sad because she does not love Paris so she asks Friar Lawrence

to help her fake her own death with the use of a specially prepared

sleeping potion to make her sleep and look like she is dead.

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