Romeo and Juliet Assessment: Death and Conflict

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Death and Conflict is a complicated theme throughout both Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann's drama. However, Act 5 scene 3 in both variations has become a debatable topic about the way Juliet reacts to when Romeo drinks the poison. And especially in Franco Zeffirelli when juliet commits suicide. Zeffirelli sets his play in the Renaissance Italy (14th century). However, Luhrmann's is set in modern Verona Beach. And because they were set in these locations , the costumes changes. In Luhrmann's the costumes are well distinct the Montagues wore bright Hawaiian shirts that could represent their personalities as being confident, bright, and well suited with the Verona lifestyle whilst the Capulets wore tight leather clothing with metal heels, in the first scene a close up shot is zoomed in at the base of the shoe to show perhaps how wealthy they are, their costume colour is dark suggesting their personalities are dull and frightening . However in Zeffirelli, the costumes are similar in style but not in colour again the Capulets were eye-catching, yellow and red clothing and the Montag...

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