Romeo And Juliet Deaths

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In the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, many people lead to the outcome of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. The play is about a boy, Romeo, and a girl, Juliet, from two rival families that fall in love. The two families, the Montagues and Capulets, have been fighting for a long time and it affects the entire city of Verona, where they live. It is debated whether or not the deaths of the star-crossed lovers could be blamed on numerous people. The tragedy of their deaths was the faults of multiple characters and could have been prevented. To begin, Lady and Lord Montague, Lady and Lord Capulet, Friar Lawrence, and the Nurse all contributed to the ending of the plays. Both Romeo and Juliet’s parents could have helped them with the troubles they …show more content…

Lady and Lord Montague did not seem to pay much attention to Romeo and did not help him when he wa upset. Lady and Lord Capulet were horrible to Juliet. They only wanted her to marry Paris and use her for their gain. When she said that she did not want to marry him they proceeded to tell her to kill herself and that she was nothing to them. This is not how a parent should act towards their child. Her parents treatment made her try to find another way to get out of the marriage, which was faking her death. By faking her death because of her parents, she caused Romeo to kill himself and her to also. Friar Lawrence, a father figure to Romeo and advice giver to Juliet, could have prevented many of the factors that led to the outcome. The biggest action he could have taken was to have a better plan to get Juliet to be with Romeo after he was exiled. Juliet’s family was going to disown her if she did not marry Paris, so she could have just left. Instead of using an elaborate plan that could go wrong in so many ways, she could have easily went with Romeo to live in Mantua. Friar Lawrence also could have made the responsible decision to watch over them better. He married a thirteen year old and a sixteen year old from rival …show more content…

Everybody in the city is in one way or another involved in and responsible for what happens,” is true. It is not only a tragedy of the Montague and Capulet families. The whole city of Verona was impacted by the feuding and Romeo and Juliet showed that it was a problem. Everyone in the play led to the tragedy happening and would have to deal with that knowledge. They all directly or indirectly affected the outcome of the play. If even one person had not done something, a different outcome could have happening. Everyone in Verona played a part in Romeo and Juliet’s

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