The Controversial Issue Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuality is the most controversial topic in present time. It is a war between homosexual and heterosexual humans that are standing up for what they believe in. Proponents of homosexuality believe that love is love. They believe it is their right to be in a relationship with anyone they choose to be with. Homosexual people say that the bible is in favor of their love to one another. Also, they claim that some of them are made that way, and homosexual people do not harm other individuals with their love. Homosexuals say sexual abuse occur to them in their childhood, and it changes their attractions from opposite gender to the same gender as their selves. They go on to say they are capable to raise children, while being in the same sex relationship. …show more content…

Homosexuality is decreasing the human population. For example, what if everyone becomes a homosexual? We would be in a crisis because it would be a decline the population of mankind. Also, what if a homosexual couple wants more children? It is an ongoing trend of a sterile relationship. I am suggesting that the homosexual is going to just by a baby or let someone carry his/her baby. This is a prime explain of why I am not for the homosexual lifestyle. A child is a great gift created between a man in a woman. The child that is born from the heterosexual couple needs a chance to be …show more content…

For example, a guy named Ed stated in his article, (Shaw) “As puberty began I was as instinctively drawn to some of the boys as they were instinctively drawn to some of the girls. I was simply wired differently. I carried out no rewiring myself.”. A person cannot determine that someone is a homosexual. Some homosexual individuals say, “I knew I was gay, since I was little kid.”. Children at young ages do not know their sexual orientation. So on, an article stated, (Gender) “Gender dysphoria occurs when there is a conflict between a person's physical gender and the gender he or she identifies with. For example, a person who is physically a boy may actually feel and act like a girl. The person is very uncomfortable with the gender they were born as.”. When a person is in an identity crisis, I suggest they seek help with a godly leader and a psychological doctor, so they can help the individual back on the right path towards his/her original gender. Some people say that it was sexual abuse from the same gender that changed their stand on relationships. I say that is a false statement because I know people that was abused by the same gender. They were scared and hurt. It did not attract them to the same sex. An entry from a book stated, (Brookey) “If homosexuality is a choice, then homosexuals do not deserve equal rights; if homosexuality is not a choice, then they do.”. I say it is a

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