The Construction Of Stanley Park

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The construction of Stanley Park is important to the environmental history of Canada as it shows how we valued nature in the past and possibly in the present. The building of the park was meant to help with the health and mental wellness of the people of the country, however, it did not take into account the value of the ecosystem itself. This can be an indication of the stance that was present about nature at the time and how it was only seen for the value that is visible, but not the invisible services it provides. This point can be further proved by the fact that many aspects of the park were actually altered by humans and yet called “pristine”. The building of the roads, causeways, and seawalls all changed the ecology and landscape of the park and all these changes were for the benefit of the people that were using the area. …show more content…

Thus, the creation of Stanley Park and all parks in general, only looks at the intrinsic value to humans and has historically ignored the effects on ecosystems and the services they provide, as this is the historical stance on nature in Canada and the

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