Sexual Expression: Overshadowed by Slut-Shaming Culture

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On May 28, 2014 an article published by The Atlantic stated that, “ “slut” is simply a misogynistic catch-all, a verbal utility knife that young people use to control women and create hierarchies. There may be no real sluts, in other words, but there are real and devastating consequences to slut-shaming.” Young women today are encouraged to express themselves sexually. Yet when they do,they are derided as “sluts.” Caught in a double bind of mixed sexual messages, they’re confused. To fulfill the contradictory roles of being sexy but not slutty, they create an “experienced” identity on social media, even if they’re not sexually active, while ironically referring to themselves and their friends as “sluts.” It's time to stop the criticizing of …show more content…

An article from the accessed on May 7, 2017 states that a solution to slut shaming is to “use social media for good.” Now it’s time to expand your work against slut shaming to your interactions with others. Social media is a good place to start because it’s less intimidating than speaking with someone face-to-face. Everything you put out into the world via social media can have a much larger effect than you ever intended, sometimes on people you’ve never even met. So why not do your best to make sure that effect is positive? The next time you see a slut shaming post on Facebook or Twitter, take that opportunity to speak up. You don’t need to be aggressive just make it clear that you don’t agree with the message they’re sending. Even if you don’t get through to the person who posted it, everyone who views your comment will be encouraged to question their own reaction to the original post. The final frontier has to be changing our culture, and it has to start now. We need to teach young men and women from as young as they can walk, talk and develop opinions, how to respect everyone. We need to show students you’re willing to take on this issue, don’t sugar coat it, don’t try to simplify it, or shy away from it, be the leaders, demonstrate for them that talking about sexual shaming directly and honestly is …show more content…

Men are just appreciating the appearance of women. Women think that men are degrading them but men are just trying to boost up their confidence. Women are too sensitive to see it that way, like Amber Rose with her slut walk. She takes women protesting to stop slut shaming but they're taking it out of proportion. If you don't want men to be calling you a slut then maybe women shouldn't be sending explicit photos to men they're not in a committed relationship or marriage. Also women shouldn't be wearing something scandalous if she doesn't want men to catcall at her. There isn't a problem with slut shaming. There's a problem with women taking it the wrong way. If a man ever says anything that might sounds a bit degrading women throw a fit. And for what so men can stop “slut shaming” them. Women put slut shaming in their mind to try to make their lives seem meaningful. So women accept that men are supporting you by sharing your nudes and calling you a hoe or what you call “slut shaming.” In reality men are just trying to show you off to his friends. He may call you a hoe or slut but your his hoe or slut. Society may think men are the problem, but really women

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