The Concentration and Rate of Work of Urease

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The Concentration and Rate of Work of Urease


I am investigating the working of the enzyme Urease and how quick it

will work.


I predict that the more concentrated the solution the faster the

enzyme will work. I think this because the more of the concentrated

substance then the more likely it is to collide with each other

therefore more reactions in a given time.

Starting experiment.

To start the project I am going to do a planning experiment. This will

help me to decide how to follow out the experiment. I am going to

start off by finding how much of each liquid I should use. I have

decided to use 5 cm3 of 1 % urea solution, 2 cm3 of ethanoic acid, I

will change the amount of urease to see how long it will take to work.

To start this I am going to get 5 test tubes and a test tube rack, and

put 5 cm3 of Urea in each test tube, along with this I will put 2 cm3

of ethanoic acid in each test tube, then I put 6 drops of universal

indicator in each test tube, for the urease I put 1 cm3 in the first

test tube, 2 cm3 in the second, 3 cm3 in the third, 4 cm3 in the

fourth, and 5 cm3 in the fifth test tube.

After I did the experiment I found out that during the experiment

there were different volume levels in the test tubes. So to make it a

fair test when I do the main experiment I have decided that I will add

water to each test tube to make it a fair test, to ensure that all the

test tubes have the same amount of volume. I have decided that there

is going to be 12 cm3 of mixed solution in the test tube. So the test

with 1 cm3 of urease will have 4 cm3 of water in ect.

Scientific knowledge


Many organisms carry out o series of reactions: -

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