The Combahee River Collective Analysis

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The Combahee River Collective was a black feminist group. Barbra Smith was the author of “A black Feminist Statement” in the reading she discussed the origin of modern-day black feminism, what they believe, problem when it came to organizing black feminist and black feminist issues and practices. They believed that all black feminist were linked. They argued in order for any community to start welcoming black feminist they have to really look at how black women’s lives were affected by the subjugation of racism, sexism and class. The black feminist had difficulty in organizing their groups in the reading it explains many of their issues. For example they had low value as black women in society and they were also fighting with all the people in society that believed they did not deserve rights. The women in Combahee River Collective were an extremely influential group they fought for all women rights and struggled to overcome many situations and never gave up for their right.

The Role of allies in 2010 was a speech by in this speech she talks about how hard it can be a black queer female how she risks her life by being different and speaking about it. She explains what its is to be an ally, she has 5 rules to being an ally. The first was to know being a liberal is not required, the reasoning behind that is because liberals don’t fully except queers, color, women and poor because they are with the government they are not fighting for freedom. The second rule be loud and crazy say what you believe in don’t hold back. Third rule was to not tell any oppressed group to be patient. Fourth is to recognize the new racism, sexism the old homophobia and the last rule is too not be embarrassed when your called to attention about racism, se...

... middle of paper ... of the erotic: the erotic as power” she speaks of fighting the enemy, and how women need power in order to fight the power comes from erotic. She explains how the erotic has been mistaken for the opposite of power. When Lorde speaks of erotic she means knowing how you feel and living on those feeling now being in the dark with those feelings.

In “performative acts” Judith Butler argues gender identity a success induced by social sanction, she argues that we are not born into gender, gender is created by your performance. She always believes gender is a topic that should not be binary, the fact that gender is binary makes people think they only have two choices and thinking they don’t have their own choice to make. When the author says performance he means performance by acts of the body. Butler reflects gender as a coming from and spirit within the inside of you

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