The Cognitive Theory: The Desire Satisfaction Theory

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Humans desire so much in life — friendship, love, wealth, success, happiness — the options and paths one can go on with their lives are limitless. Desires of the heart take one on unexplainable journeys which shape us into the people we are. The Desire Satisfaction Theory completely allows a person to go on these journeys, as they essentially lead people to their heart’s desires towards pure happiness. In philosophy, not many theories allows one to endure hardships in a mission for true happiness. The Desire Satisfaction Theory allows for a person to truly experience life and all the benefits and hardships associated with it. It is also the most inclusive theory as it appeals to everyone. The most inclusive, shaping, well-rounded and popularized …show more content…

Desire Satisfaction Theory does not limit what you can do based off what the journey will bring, it tells you to look at the outcome and judge whether or not it achieves your desires in life. This can be as simple as filling your stomach when you 're hungry, or as complicated as reaching a specific level in a career. Desires can be anything, and we have many desires every day. One of the arguably best parts of the Desire Satisfaction Theory is that it allows for one to suffer and face challenges, as long as they allow one to get closer to their desires. Most theories would discourage one from enduring suffering, but Desire Satisfaction Theory acknowledges the premise that hardships can eventually lead to great happiness in one’s desires. Challenges and times of suffering truly define a person, and this theory allows for that to happen. This allows a person to truly experience life and discover more about themselves through the challenges they endure. An example of a situation where challenges and a time of suffering brings our greatest desires could be if you desire to become a doctor, and you must go through medical school, which brings a massive amount of stress on your life. One would go through the experience of medical school, which would then bring their greatest desire of becoming a …show more content…

The major difference between the two theories is that in Hedonism, everything you do must make you happy, including the journey. Hedonism may sound perfect, but it really limits what you can do. The Desire Satisfaction Theory, on the other hand, allows us to fully live life to the fullest. Desire Satisfaction allows one to endure pain and challenges, which ultimately allows for us to grow as people and fully enjoy life. Hedonism is restrictive, as it does not allow us to endure life’s tough challenges which allow us to gain experience and knowledge. Hedonism only allows us to do things that completely make us happy along every stage, because otherwise one would not be following hedonism. Desire Satisfaction Theory, allows for us to not be happy at some times in order for us to reach an ultimate goal. This allows us to fully grow as human beings in emotion and thought, as well as grow wiser as we mature in

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