The Cognitive Process Of Focused Attention

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Attention refers to the cognitive process of selecting concentrating on aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. Focused attention refers to the ability to respond tactile or discretely to stimuli. The human brain divides attention in two style, either, automatic attention or controlled attention. Automatic attention is a specific stimulus that does not interfere with the other mental processes and needs little effort. The controlled attention is mainly relies on serial processing, and affects other mental processes, of which it is responsible for self-regulation (Jamie Hale, 2012). Divided attention takes pace when we are required to do two tasks or even more at the same time and all the tasks require attention. Driving a car whistling chatting on a mobile phone is a good example of a divided attention. While operating with a divided attention while multi-tasking, at least one of the tasks attention declines.

Generally it is accorded that humans while processing information, they have a limited capacity of doing so and when processing several tasks at the same time, then the capacity can be exceeded (Dr Macdonald, 2007). By understanding attention than humans have an opportunity to set up an environment with an optimal learning skill since the identify problems with multi-tasking. A restriction on cell phone use while driving has been implemented due to the knowledge about human divided attention. This is due to the fact that there is limitation in human attention capacities, so driving a car while chatting limits other attention processes. The shift to controlled processing which is not as speedy as automatic attention, while driving may cause problems, in case a car pulls out in front of us. This explains th...

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... and thoughts that spring out without our consent or permission for them to. For instance when doing your art, you might suddenly remember a friend who is a critical situation in the hospital. Since a recollection emotion is contained hear, and in this case, mercy and pity you experience a feeling you felt back then when you knew of their health. Psychologically this is known as a refraction state, during this state there is no access to any other information apart from bolstering your emotional state, though it is a divided attention (Hunt, 1982). This emotional period vary in length since it may range from a few minutes to a few hours, thus we are the main key to not completing our duties since we become our own road blocks. Considering this fact then one should say that full focus attention is indeed a skill worth honing. However some have fallen prey and lapsed.

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