The Cleansing Process In The Iliad

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The cleansing process would take place the seventh day of each month and that was because the seventh day was special to Apollo-it was his day of birth. The first step in the cleansing process was for the oracle to bathe in the Castalian spring. After this bathing she would return to the temple and begin to make an offering to Apollo. This offering consisted of burning of laurel leaves and barley meat and possibly some sort of spoken homage (Scott 15). However, during this time the priests would be performing rituals of their own. The first was to find out if today was a good day for them to consult the greek god. The priests would do this by bringing a pure goat to the temple and sprinkle cold water on the goat. If the goat had shuddered, …show more content…

The Iliad is an Ancient Greek epic poem written by Homer. We owe much of our development and knowledge of the ancient Greek society because of the study of these epic poems. The Iliad is one story where Apollo plays a crucial role and is mentioned many times, second only to Zeus. The part of the story that truly shows Apollo’s character begins when the Greeks take the daughter of one of Apollo’s priests, Chryseis. The priest enters the camp of the Greeks asking Agamemnon, King of Argos, for the return of his daughter. The king refuses to give her back, as she lay in his bed, and not only were the priest’s status but father hood violated. After this the priest traveled down the lonely shore and while walking he prayed to his god Apollo Smintheus. Apollo heard his prayer and homer explains the burning passion and fire in his heart: “Down he went from Olympus’ peaks, fury in his heart, on his shoulder a bow and arrow case, and the arrows rattled on the shoulders of the angry god while he moved. And he arrived like the night.” (Fritz, 1). This truly shows the passion and close relationship the priest had with the deity. To move the god so much as that as soon as he heard the prayer, Apollo obtained his gear and went to the man’s aide. Upon his arrival, Apollo began to shoot arrows of plague and death into their encampment. The death and illness began to kill dogs and mules at first, and later …show more content…

Being a god one expects him to have many stories and know of tales of romance and beauty but being a Greek story, we find that to not be the case. His first approach to love is with a nymph who was known as Cyrene. Now she was no ordinary girl because instead of staying at home and making wool, she was the protector of her father’s flock. This interested Apollo and curiosity set in with him. It was not until the moment of watching her wrestle a mighty lion that he fell in love, as a matter a fact he married her

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