The Characteristics Of Veganism And Vegetarianism

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Veganism and vegetarianism are widespread trends that have been gaining attention rapidly all around the world. For some people, they are only a diet. On the other hand, for others, they are a lifestyle. Veganism and Vegetarianism are both diverse diets that can affect the human body and environment in different ways. Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes any use of animal products, such as meats, dairy, leather, etc. The main purpose of Veganism is to not support animal exploitation, thus not support animal cruelty. However, many people can also turn to Veganism as a diet. Veganism proves to be beneficial for what a substantial amount of people desire, weight loss. “Weight loss is usually greater on a vegan diet than on a vegetarian diet …show more content…

There is, however, a problem many vegans find along their journey, and that is that Veganism is expensive. It is difficult to find cruelty free food at a cheap and affordable price. Most don't become vegan solely because they cannot afford it. “Nutritionists think a strict vegan diet is unaffordable because milk or honey substitutes are too expensive”(Sharma). On the other hand, most people turn to Veganism because it saves lives, and can help the environment. Many vegans believe that the amount of abuse that goes on in the meat industry is unethical, and so they choose not to support it. Vegans can save up to 200 animals a year solely by not purchasing animal based products. The amount of animals killed and eaten is continually decreasing, as well (Mullins). Deforestation is one of many destructions being done on the planet which is linked to the meat

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