The Causes And Effects Of Divorce

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Divorce is a social issue that has plagued society and become more prevalent in recent years. It is also having an effect on children and teenagers in today’s day and age. There have been studies on the trends of their actions and social interactions after a divorce has occurred in their lives. Girls are especially affected by this socially. It can affect their future relationships, cause them to have depression or anxiety, and their self-esteem may plummet.
Relationships are key to any human existence. However, divorce can alter a girl’s relationship with her friends, family, or future significant other negatively. Teenagers may be less likely to maintain these relationships with divorced parents than if they were to have a stable …show more content…

Sometimes a child or teenager may feel as if they are alone. This can lead to a phase of depression. A girl may seem quieter than normal or make decisions that she wasn’t before. If this is the case, she probably doesn’t feel the wholesomeness that she might have if she had a family that was intact (Oz et al., 2015). This can have more affect than just at home. This could affect her school and activities at which she may be involved. Her performance level could drop increasingly if the depression continues too long. Anxiety can also be life consuming. It is disruptive and can distract from the bigger …show more content…

Some of these solutions are quite simple. I believe that by distractions, healthy foundation and will to live life as an individual, the social effects of divorce on girls can be overcome.
Distractions are typically known as wrong but, for certain situations they can be positive. Divorce can take a toll on one’s life. However, if one does not think about something, it typically doesn’t disturb the soul. For instance, if a child was to get a shot and were terrified of the needle, a nurse may try to distract the child from any pain they may inquire to make life easier for both nurse and the child. In the end the child may never have known that the shot was even given, because there was no pain. The same can be done for divorce. Being involved in extra-curricular activities, helping out around the house or volunteering for the community are efficient ways to help distract one from being disturbed from the

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