The Cause And Effects Of My Volunteer Experience

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Cause and Effects of My Volunteer Experience Have you ever been in a situation that left you with an altered perspective on a subject? Or maybe even a situation that made a difference in your skillset? If so, have you ever thought of the possible reasons for these outcomes? Why these experiences impacted you so greatly? Are they positive or negative impacts? Were these experiences because of work, school, or other activities? I can say that I have participated in a certain work experience that taught me a lot and impacted me for the better. When signing up, I wasn’t aware that I was going to learn fundamental life lessons, but that is exactly what this particular experience brought to the table. My volunteer experience in high school as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) at a hospital taught me how to adjust to following strict procedures, take responsibility for someone other than myself, and improve my communication skills with new people. After …show more content…

Despite it being a negative character trait, I'd consider myself somewhat selfish. I don’t naturally think of other people's needs or comfort level because I'm too worried about my own, but being assigned to take care of patients every day taught me the importance of other people’s comfort. All of the students in my CNA class, including me, had to give baths to patients every day which developed my instinct to make sure they’re safe and unharmed. Moreover, when we fed patients, failure to check their charts for allergies or specific diets could mean life or death so I learned to always think about the patient’s needs. Not only did I feel responsible for my patients, but for the student who worked as my partner as well. I value this life lesson the most because it seems as though these occurrences significantly changed my perspective on how I viewed other people and taught me to not be so

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