Belief in Heaven: A Child's Near-Death Experience

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Is heaven real? Well, in many cases some believe it’s true. In this novel Heaven is for Real based on a true story by Todd Burpo, the concept of heaven being real is portrayed. The novel is based on a family nearly losing his son, but by miracle survived. The little boy recalls his visit to heaven. His detailed experience of his trip leaves not only his family eager to hear more but many other people, causing them to believe in heaven. This novel shows how just one kid can make a difference in the belief of many other people including his own family. The Burpo family has been having a difficult year already after Colton’s near death experience. Todd, the father of the family which is a Pastor for their local church raise money to support the church. He and his wife Sonja, decide to turn a church conference into a fun, family vacation. Soon after preparing to leave on vacation Colton shows present signs of illness. Although in a matter of hours he gets better and is …show more content…

Unfortunately while at vacation Colton gets sick once again, this time the symptoms are severe. He starts throwing up and has high fever, causing his parents to worry about his health. The family quickly rush home and after seeing many doctors and not finding a cure, one doctor give them the results. The doctor determines that his appendix has ruptured and toxins are seeping through his system. After time Colton has a miraculous recovery. After weeks of recovery he begins to talk about his visit to heaven. At first the parents can't believe it, but as months and years past he continued telling them things about God, and heaven that he couldn't possibly have known at his young age. He describes the heaven, god, and angels. Colton says he met a sister he never knew he had. It was a child that Sonja has lost , even before she had Colton. He even knew all

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