The Boat Shoes Industry

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Fashion trends come and go more often than city buses. When a clothing item or look lasts forever it becomes a phenomenon. The sneaker industry has experienced numerous phenomenons. Thanks to the marketability of Michael Jordan the air Jordan phenomenon is still strong. However they have overshadowed an even bigger phenomenon for years. The extremely financially successful boat shoe industry. Boat shoes are one of the most fascinating phenomenons ever. They look extremely cool yet they're uncomfortable. Seriously have you ever thought about that ? If Crocs and a pair of skateboard shoes had a baby they would produce boat shoes. The strangest part is thousands of people have bought these shoes. They're not even practical and people are still buying them. When a lifestyle product is pitched the investors must first …show more content…

They should if they don't. It needs to be a requirement enforced by the coast guard. If you can afford the yacht you should wear the shoes. Unless of course the yacht doesn't come with the shoes. Or if you spend all your money on the yacht. Causing you to go broke. Preventing you from buying the shoes or anything else for that matter. All jokes aside the boat shoe industry isn't a joke. As a matter of fact it's highly competitive. Many of it's participants do extremely well.They're companies have been around forever. This proves how important and established the brands really are. Sperry Top-Sider arguably the most well known boat shoe company is private. They most likely sell a lot of boat shoes. The number of shoes probably sounds extremely high. Perhaps boat customers weren't the only ones that bought the shoes. Maybe random responsible parents bought them for the children. Parents so responsible that they were willing to ignore the large price tag. A strategy out of the latest best selling parenting handbook. The one that comes with a free bookmark made out of solid 100%

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