The Benefits Of The NASA Space Program

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There’s been a very strong theory put out recently. It shows that when both Mars and Earth were very young, and creating microbial life, an asteroid hit Mars. So violently in fact that it ejected some of Mars back into space with it. Eventually landing on Earth the surviving Mars bacterium merged with our microbial ancestors to form DNA, the very building blocks of life. This really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. In all actuality it solidifies the notion that we were born to return to the stars. From a young age we are always looking up eyes wide. So why is it that now, after billions of years, we have opposition against the one government program who’s sole intention is to take us there. The NASA Space Program should not be cut. However, there are those who don’t share the same viewpoint, or see the same value in NASA, as experts do. They believe that giving money to NASA is a waste. That the money would be better spent on keeping us safe, and fixing the deficit. This essay is going to bring to light why the NASA budget, instead of being cut, should be increased. The most common misconception people have is that NASA doesn’t really do anything for us anymore. Completely to the contrary; NASA is like a plant. Just like a plant takes in CO2 then puts out life giving oxygen as a byproduct, so does NASA take in existing “primitive” technology and world issues and put out life saving applications as a by-product. If anyone has been alive anytime after 1958 you have benefited from at least 30 of NASA’s 30,000 different applications. They’ve created fire-fighting gear, laser heart surgery, and weather satellites that prevent the deaths of thousands because of forewarned hurricanes. NASA’s innovations are also largely respon... ... middle of paper ... ... economy is supposed to come back equivalently after the tax season. The fact of the matter is space exploration needs to be done in the public sector if its going to be done right. It’s readily apparent that, if given more financial support, NASA would ultimately stimulate the desperately needed economic growth in the nation. Furthermore, from all the research I’ve done I can come to the honest conclusion that NASA’s finances, along with being increased, should be doubled. That would be 0.96% of every penny of every dollar (not even a whole penny). This totals out to approximately $35 billion dollars. Again, history shows that “the nations who embrace the investments in science and technology are those that lead the world”. However, if $35 billion dollars still sounds too costly for you then I have but one final question. How much would you pay for the universe?

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