Should Space Exploration Needs To Be Publicly Funded Essay

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Why NASA and Space Exploration Needs to be Publicly Funded

Exploration has been a staple in the history of humans as long as we’ve been a civilization. The only reason that we are where we are as a civilization is because of exploration, pushing the boundaries of the unknown and discovering more. If exploration is responsible for doing all that, why would we just give up on pushing the next boundary, space. We’ve made a lot of advancements in space exploration such as; going to the moon, launching satellites, establishing space stations, and even creating things like the Hubble telescope that takes breathtaking pictures every day. We’ve put so much time and effort into learning about the universe surrounding us, which is why I believe space exploration must be publicly funded so we can try and push forward in order to fully explore the cosmos.
Since civilization was first conceived humans have learned about the world around us by exploring. We weren’t thrown into this world to stay in one single location, we spread out and discovered the world. If we established ourselves on earth by exploring then why should we stop now? Back in the 1400’s China was an extremely powerful country, their “state revenues were probably 100 times Portugal’s”(Dunbar, Brian). Even though they …show more content…

The biggest controversy with it is why bother with it, we have enough problems on the ground and we can’t afford to waste valuable resources on something that could possibly lead to nowhere. A lot of complaints revolve around better ways to use the resources that are being put into space exploration. While there are a lot of problems going on just about everywhere on the planet such as; war, ocean pollution, droughts, and famine; I don’t believe the solution to all of those problems lies in gutting the space program, I think the solution lies

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