The Battle Of Hastings

518 Words2 Pages

Why did William, Duke of Normandy, Win the Battle of Hastings? In 1066 AD the King of England died without an heir. Three lords of different countries then tried to secure the English throne for themselves. The first to do so was Harold Godwineson. Harold was geographically the closest and therefore first to take the throne. Harald Hardrada king of Norway then invaded England with the intent of claiming the throne, but was repelled by Harold Godwineson's Anglo-Saxon soldiors. Next William, Duke of Normandy invaded England and defeated Harold Godwineson at the Battle of Hastings. This essay is on why William won this crucial battle. When Harold Godwineson took the English throne he had to weigh up the two threats from both the North (Harald Hardrada) and the South (William, Duke of Normandy). Harold chose to send his troops South to defend the coast from William. At the time the wind was blowing the wrong way for William's sailing ships to cross the channel. At around this time Harald Hardrada invaded in the North and Harold Godwineson sent his troops North. Harold Godwineson wo...

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